
Tiina Mölder

  • I provide advice that brings results
  • There is always a solution if you move in that direction
Cost: 79.00€ / per hour
Tiina Mölder


years of experience as a lawyer



Areas of Law

Consumer credit, Collection procedure, Latent Defects of the Item, Claim for damages, Real estate sales , Contract for services or authorisation agreement , Lease contract , Debt Restructuring Procedure, Ownership, Possession, Mortgage, Servitude, Right of pre-emption, Restrictions on immovable property ownership , Right of superficies, Alimony , Divorce and distribution of property , Custody , Establishing paternity , Certificate of legal capacity to contract marriage, Guardianship, Nursing care issues, Applying for a restraining order, Intestate succession, Will, Minor’s inheritance deeds, Renunciation of succession , Succession contract , Termination of the employment contract, Pay dispute , Ascertainment of employment relationship, Enforcement proceedings, Bankruptcy procedure , Social Law , Administrative Law, Insurance Law, Tax Law, Commercial Law , NGO's and foundations, Intellectual property, Migration Law, Apartment association law, Construction and Planning Law , Environmental Law, Misdemeanor Law, IT Law

Work Experience

Since 2015, legal advisor at Desiree OÜ
2014, legal expenses insurance at D.A.S.


Tallinn University of Technology, Master of Law (2009)

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